More About Me

The weight loss journey is one I've embarked upon too many times in my life. I am a thirty-four year old with rheumatoid arthritis, a challenge which affects my ability to exercise (when my health is poor) and even, thanks to an appetite-stimulating medication, my appetite. I have been married to Z for 7 years, and together, we have a daughter, 3, and a son, 1. Nicknamed (for the purposes of this blog) Lulu and Thor, they are my heart, my sunshine, and the main reason for me wanting to get healthy again. The desire to get healthy for myself is strong, but wanting to be healthy for them is the greatest motivation of all.

Throughout the past few years, I have fluctuated from obese, to underweight, to everything in between. Currently, I am in one of the in-between states, though still higher than what is healthy for my height, bone structure, and health situation. In just a few months, I managed to gain 60 pounds, and although I do not want to lose all 60 of those pounds, my goal is to get back to a weight that I deem healthy and maintainable. Thus begins my newest - and hopefully, last - journey towards a permanent lifestyle change that will make me the healthiest person I can be not only for myself, but for my family.

You can also find me at, a blog circle for other individuals wishing to lose the weight and keep it off.